Friday, 29 January 2016

7th run

Seventh run today. I have some time and decide to run in the afternoon. I'm planning 3km, maybe a little more if I feel ok.

As planed, I warm up my calves before starting: 50 get-up on my tip-toes, then 10 on my left foot (whole body weight on it), holding the last one for 10 seconds. Then I stretch my calf against the wall, leg wide and leg bent.

Running feels good at start, better than the previous runs. I guess my calves are ready and take some weight off my feet. I'm already considering pushing to 3,5km today, even 4km! The weather is cold, windy, penetrating.

I run about 3km, when I first notice some spark in my foot, very brief. I reduce the pace but keep on moving. Is my foot in pain? Hard to say for now... After another hundred meters, the spark occurs again, this time at the base of my sole, a clear signal! I stop immediately and walk back home. No real pain, but I can feel that my sole is asleep.

It is really bugging me, but I have to be careful, always play the safe card and listen to my body. I hope that this is only temporary and that regular training will push this limit little by little. I can't imagine a life of running no more than 3km!

Will do some research on warming up and cooling down from runners who recovered from PF.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Sixth Run

Nice weather for my sixth run today, I barely put a jacket on my shoulders!

3km as on Monday, not rushing anything. From the beginning, I get a burning sensation in my foot, like hot water on my sole. The feeling goes away after a careful first km. I am wondering if I should maybe warm up my calves and stretch my foot before running. After all, I run about 1h after getting out of bed! Will try this on Friday.

Other questions are filling up my mind: resuming my training and pushing the distance feels heavy on every step. I want to ease the process but not sure how. Building up my calves or feet muscles to lower the impact? Engage these so called glut muscles, but how? And above all, what should I correct in my stride? I know the first step to recover from PF is to learn how to run properly.

Let's try sth... I change my contact position, landing on my forefoot and unrolling up to the hill. It feels a little easier on my foot and harder on my calves. That could be the way... Or just peace before the storm! I shall definitely read more on that matter.

Monday, 25 January 2016

5th run and 3km

"Highway to the danger zone" - Kenny Loggins

Outstanding run and a stunning new record of 3km today!

Well maybe not that great, rainy weather and crappy trail... The temperature went up during the weekend, snow melted, leaving the ground all wet and slippery. I have to leave the trail for some off-road and daring steps into the wild, very exciting indeed :)

Since I had two days of rest, I push the distance up to 3km. Can't say my foot is happy. No pain, but it feels a little sore at the base of my hill, probably because I run on harder ground. Or is that all in my head? I read that pain due to PF is usually not as serious as it feels, our mind tends to over dramatize the whole thing. And I can be quite the drama queen!

Friday, 22 January 2016

Forth run

Damn it's a cold morning! I think I never ran by -10°C before... But this shall be the year of all my records, so heads up and let's do it :)

It was quite nice and sunny actually, definitely more pleasant than scratching the ice from the car's windows outside... and inside! After driving my little prince at the kita, I ran the 2,5 km to home. Still a lot of snow cushioning my stride, small steps, easy pace, my foot does not complain.

This is such a nice feeling, the sensation of being healthy and that nothing, not even the cold weather, can stop me! If you don't know what I'm talking about, you should try it sometimes... ;)

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Third run

Nice little run of 2,5 km this morning. Making good use of starting my job late to run right after breakfast.

-2 °C today and still a lot of snow cushioning my steps. I ran with my orthodics (left insole) and had the feeling that it was easier for my foot. Will experience some more, also with KT tape.

I have set a new goal in my Garmin profile: 200 km before the half-marathon of Berlin this April. No time to loose! :)

Monday, 18 January 2016

Second run

Nice little run today, for my second going-out! -5° outside and 10 cm of soft snow under my steps, cushioning my stride. Although it's not easy to keep a steady pace, I feel much less the impact on the ground, so I'm guessing this is good for my recovery!

New outstanding record today: I ran 2,5 km, 500 m more than during my last run... When did my life become that exciting? :)

Saturday, 16 January 2016

It's about time!

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Told you "I'll be back!" :)

Today's the first day of my comeback, after being struck by plantar fasciitis 6 months ago... I did have a few attempts during that time, but my foot just wasn't ready and the pain came back quickly. But after 3 months of complete rest and taking care of my foot, I feel ready and up to the challenge!

11am, I take my new pair of Asics I barely had the chance to wear out of the cupboard and slipped into warm stretchy clothes. Zero degree and perfect weather for a first run!

There is dust and cobwebs on my watch, which needs like 10 min to find a GPS signal. Has it really been that long? I take a deep breath, pray my lucky star to keep the pain away, and the game is on... God it feels good to be back on the trail! A few running steps and the whole pleasure hits me. I forgot how I loved running, how this may be the only thing in my life that helps me get rid of my stress and find solutions. The pleasure to be free!

I follow a path I like, mostly running on dirt, grass and snow, to minimize the impact in my left foot. I also try to put more weight on my right foot, knowing that it's the propulsive phase (i.e. when my foot pushes my body up and forwards) that harms my foot. All in all, no pain, just some tingling in my foot that I attribute mostly to my anxiety. Because yes, I really am anxious to feel some pain again, meaning that these last month counted for nothing... But no pain!

Time to head back home, after a lungful of nature and fresh air, and an amazing long run of... 2 km! Hey, don't laugh, I gotta start small and go easy on my foot. Besides, only 48 km more to achieve my goal, I have never been that close to be an ultra-marathoner :)

Next run on Monday, in the meantime I shall get some well-deserved rest after this exhausting run!


Thursday, 14 January 2016


"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."
Lao Tzu

My running blog is finally out ! I've been planing it for some time now, but never had the time to get to work. Well, that's the (only) advantage of 6 months recovery without running, you suddenly get some spare time to do other things.

I have a lot of ideas to share on this pages: Pictures of my runs, favourite routes, events, PRs, trainings and nutrition of course. But I will start with a page on my plantar fasciitis condition, to discuss this dreadful matter and give you advice on recovering from it. Indeed, it can be really depressing not to be able to run more than 5km without any pain, when you used to run half and full marathons...

Therefore, as a motivation, my first goal with this blog is to start again from scratch and train up to the ultramarathon. The five steps of my progression will be a 5k, 10k, half, marathon and 50k ultra. Only then will I consider myself healed and fit again.

Without further ado, let's start with a few kilometres and see what incredible journey my footsteps will take me on!

Happy running and be safe out there :)
