Wednesday 31 August 2016
Weeks 3-4/18, back me up !
Monday 1 August 2016
Week 2/18, cut me some snack !
I bravely finished my 2nd week of training. Since I only have time to run 3 times a week (the wife is running too) I need to wrap up 4 runs into 3 to keep up with the weekly mileage. Which means that I have to face 6km and 8km runs on working days, before the long run on Sunday.
My foot is carrying me pretty good. I sometimes feel that I'm at the edge of injuring it again, but then I rest a day or two and it's up and ready for a new run. However, I noticed that my body is not as effective and economic as it used to be when dealing with food reserves. I can have a consistent breakfast and lunch, I still feel very hungry when running after work. Tuesday I felt hypoglycaemia pretty hard and strived to finish my 6k. I decided to get a consistent snack (milk and chocolate cereals) around 18h. I then ran much better 1h later.
Third week is a resting one with less mileage. Let's enjoy it, it's not gonna last!