Thursday 2 June 2016

Getting in shape for a marathon training

Yoooooo back on the trail, this once hopefully for good and up to the Berlin Marathon in September! I ran 4 times last week, finishing with a 5k on Saturday.

I tried my new orthodics at the same time. Made in Romania from a scan of my feet, they match the surface of my whole perfectly. Contrary to the old ones, these are made for runners and consists of a very compact memory foam that doesn't deform and covered by a leather strip. I first tried them on a regular day and found them insanely hard, it felt like walking barefoot on concrete. But it's not so hurting while running, when I put less weight on my feet. According to the doc, it is supposed to be hard, thus sustaining the plantar fascia and preventing it to stretch too much. And I think it does its job. I noticed less tension and threatening thrills in my sole. I tackled the 5k within a week, whereas it took me way more time to reach it in January.

Aside from that, my recovery routine has become more aggressive than ever. I stretched my whole leg 2 or 3 times a day, apply intervals of hot and cold water on it everytime I shower, and I keep on icing and rubbing Voltaren on my sole. I still sleep with my orthodics and I never run outside of training sessions.

To finish, I am quite satisfied with my new Asics Nimbus 18, although I have the impression that the new materials are a little cheaper than the 17th version. But they are definitely lighter, which is a good thing. We'll see how they look like in 500km :)

Back on the trail

Finally, after more than one month of rest, I am back on the trail with brand new shoes! Taking it easy of course, I ran 2,5km on Sunday and again this morning. I warm up my calves and stretch my whole leg before and after. No pain, just some unpleasant tension in my sole. I need to build mileage from scratch again, like I did in January. I hate myself for getting injured again, I need to grow up and start taking care of myself!

I felt some numbing and scratching in my foot today, meaning the blood flow is good and my foot healing. After reading a lot on PF, it seems that recovery is faster when you stay active: exercising with caution and stretching. I will try to run every two days on my way back to work. I still have no idea if I can run a marathon in four months. I should start a training plan this week, but I cannot commit to the mileage. We'll see how things goes, I'll skip the event if I have too. I won't do the same mistake twice!