Monday, 25 July 2016

Week 1/18 marathon training

Helloooooo !

Yes, still alive and better than ever ! I apologise to all my fans (my fan?) (my mom!) for my unusual silence in the past month. I've been caught in an exhausting project, with 4 weeks of shooting in Paris. Running along the Seine? You wish... With my 16h of work a day, I barely had time for a short 5k. Which means that I can already get my hopes out of the Berlin Marathon in September, I won't have enough time to get ready. Nonetheless, I can still prepare for a later marathon. I aimed at 50km before the end of the hear. If I manage to tackle one, I won't be far away from my goal!

Sooo, the time has come to browse through training plans, nutrition advice and resting techniques again. Finally! Lately, I built up enough mileage (around 15km a week) and long runs (12km) to start a training plan. Once again, I'll put my trust in Hal Highdon's plans. His Novice 2 did brought me up to my first marathon! Let's downgrade to the Novice 1 and take it easy this time.
Great first week. I ran 3 times: 5, 7 and 10 for a total of 22km. I feel great, my foot doesn't complain too much. I ran the week runs on my way back from work, with backpack and all. Love it! So much memories. I'm already exploring new routes, with more trails and less roads. It's gonna be a top notch summer... I'll keep you in the loop :)

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