Monday 4 April 2016

26th run and 16km

New record today: 16km!!

Yeah! Another victory to my board :) It's Easter Monday and only 6 days left before the big event! I need to run long one last time before resting until Sunday. Let's increase my max distance by another 2km. It seems a lot but I got no choice if I want to nail the 21km on Sunday!

I go out on a sunny peaceful morning and head for an old route I used to like, well, until it hurt my foot so bad! That's kind of like going back to the crime scene... Spooky! As usual, my foot complains on the first 5-6km until my muscles get warm, then calms down. The weather is perfect. I am all geared up for a long run: bottle of juice, carbo bars and pepper spray for the old ladies dogs... I mean, for the wild bears!

I follow the route, amongst kids, bikers and old couples wandering hand in hand. I am breathing the early spring with all my heart, hoping this will be the spring of my comeback too!
The kilometres beep at my watch. At 14km I start worrying a little, but the last two just feel right, I don't feel like pushing it too much. Heading back home, ready for 6 days of rest and the head full of questions... Am I ready for the half? Will my foot cash in another 16km an the additional 5 up to 21km? All that on hard concrete floor? I guess there is just one way to find out... See you all on Sunday at the starting line ;)

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